Freedom Fighters Program

For those who feel called...

Join the frontlines of the field, alongside Kallah, to fight for the unveiling of the Bride of Christ.

CAWM Collage

Selection Process

  • After the application is submitted , an interview is scheduled with the Freedom Fighter in Training (FFiT) Leader and Programs Department Director.
  • Then a copy of the Kallah Freedom Fighter Agreement is sent to you for your review and a second interview is scheduled with the Freedom Fighter Leader.
  • A decision discussion is then conducted with the entire Freedom Fighter Department Team.
  • An acceptance call or email will be sent from the FFiT Leader.
  • Orientation is scheduled within 7 days of acceptance.

Program Requirements

Within at least 18 months of being accepted in the program, Freedom Fighters in Training are required to complete the following in order to move onto the process for appointing:

  • Attend two (2) Kallah events: One (1) Unveiling Intensive or Rewrite the Story AND one (1) Come Away With Me Silent Retreat
  • Serve at three (3) Kallah events: One (1) Come Away With Me silent retreat, one (1) Unveiling Intensive or Rewrite the Story Event (after previously attending), and one (1) additional event of your choice.
  • Attend a weekly Leadership Zoom.
  • Submit a signed Kallah Freedom Fighter Agreement.
  • Submit to monthly Fruit Check meetings with a Freedom Fighter assigned to you.
  • Contribute to Marco Polo group discussion.